Thanks for that, just one question though; if it is, say, a 3 core cable would that be the cross-sectional area of each core or the total cross-sectional area of all three cores ??? Sorry to seem so dumb !!!!!
Althodr....... if you take the dp tapping points off the top of the line and then sweep (like a swan neck) the impulse lines down to the measuring device then this will eliminate (or at least significnatly reduce) any liquid carry over to the dp cell. By bringing the cell down below the line you...
Hi everyone........ I know this is going to sound kinda lame, but..... I've been running Amtec Single Cable sizing program to calculate the cable size for a 415 switchboard supply and it has given me a cable size of 240mm...... now, while not wishing to seem "thick", is that the individual core...
Hi guys, I'm really kind of new to the "big" electric stuff (I'm an Instrumentation Engineer by trade) and I've inherited the electrical department all the way back to the 11,000v incomming sub-station.
To my shame, I have forgoten some of the basic unit conversion equations, eg MVA to kW, the...