But what is the name of the formula used? I knew that would be the same temperartura, but there would be another set of formulas or a computational method that calculates the percentage having as entries mixing products with different temperatures?
For example, the program BCALC.EXE (BunkerCalc...
Here we use the following equation to find the percentage of the mixture Marine Fuel (let's call mf380) as well as the Marine Gas Oil
(MGO we call mgo) that when making the mixture becomes a Marine Fuel 150 cSt 50 ° C (let's call mf150), for example.
It turns out that the formula used...
Here we use the following equation to find the percentage of the mixture Marine Fuel (let's call mf380) as well as the Marine Gas Oil (MGO we call mgo) that when making the mixture becomes a Marine Fuel 150 cSt 50 ° C (let's call mf150), for example.
It turns out that the formula used...