Our firm has been awarded a project in the City of New York. We will have engineering responsibility connection design.
I have not worked in the 5 boroughs.
Can someone who practices in this location tell me if they are aware of any special credentials outside of a NY engineering license...
Thanks for sharing this. I was unaware that the euro codes gave this guidance. Are the loads you quote working or ultimatzied?
Interestingly, ASCE-7 doesn't classify rail loadings by occupancy, except that the 50plf load is waived for industrial railings. Importantly, the commentary of ASCE-7...
Load cases are the types of loads that are applied to the structure: dead, live, wind, ice, snow
Load combinations are how the load cases are combined.
The owner wants to eliminate ALL of the kickers.
I've told him in my opinion its not feasible. As part of his renovation, he's also changing the R value of the roof. I'm uncomfortable with the risk exposure of being involved with this project. I have politely excused myself from the project...
The owner wanted to eliminate the kickers to create more headroom around between the portals.
I looked at using an L shaped assembly to replace the kicker. I was not happy with the stiffness of the L bracket and have abandoned the concept. However, I'm still not sure the existing condition has...
Thanks for the replies. This is what I expected to hear.
I did use the good-ole 2% rule and backed into an upper-bound stress based on the lower-bound strength of the brace. For tension only brace the stress was 10ksi. Double that for both. So this is mostly likely what they did.
I did in-fact...
As part of a feasibility study I was asked to review some owner-directed modifications to some kicker braces in a PEMB. (see image for bracing in question)
I was not able to confirm that the braces as installed meet the stiffness requirements for nodal bracing of a beam AISC-360-10 Appendix...