There was an earlier thread about this issue i noted just now. Please refer below link for further details which may be useful.
Considering 250N hand tightened force applied using standard podger spanner, torque for snug tight connections shall be arrived for different bolt diameters. Please refer Table H.62 of "Joints in Steel Construction: Simple Connections" published by BCSA.
Same issue was raised by a site QC guy...
Diagonal webs and vertical webs alone are not sufficient for transferring all the forces into the chords in my case. Hence flanges need to be welded and they come into picture.
Agree vertical stiffeners will not play a role in avoiding horizontal eccentricities. But there will be eccentricities...
Hello All,
This is my first post in this forum. Please provide your thoughts on the below issue.
I need to provide welded connections for the W sections of verticals and diagonals to the W chords in a truss. The verticals and diagonals are directly welded on the chords by avoiding any Gusset...