I've been questioned by Clients lately on the depths of my drilled piers and was curious how others handle determining their depths. Their past engineers would take them 10-15' deep and no further, so I'm wondering if I'm being too overconservative. These designs are typically small vertical...
They do consider the steel in the negative moment region, but it it separated from the deck in the table. I wondered about the haunch too, until I read this excerpt before the section properties table:
"For this design example, the slab haunch is 3.5 inches throughout the length of the bridge...
This should be simple, but I'm having some troubles. Looking through the FHWA LRFD Steel Bridge Design Example http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/bridge/lrfd/fhwanhi04041_steel.pdf On page 3-13 (page 124 of 648), they go through and calculate the section properties for the girder only, 3n, and n. I cannot...