Thank you, now were talking. Sounds like you have been around the block with some of these manufacturers. I appreciate such a straight forward concise answer.
Mitsubishi UPS uses a device refered to as a chopper to charge the batteries for the UPS. The chopper is comprised of 1. an IGBT module, 2. two energy return diodes and 3. A fairly large choke.
I was hoping to fine out (because I am developing course materials on the UPS) how a chopper works...
Well I googled and googled and never found anything specific about the UPS chopper circuitry used for charging UPS batteries. If you know of a specific site, I would be most appreciative.
Can someone please explain to me how the chopper circuit works for battery charging in a UPS. How is the voltage and current controlled? I noticed on one particular circuit that two DCCT's were in series with each other. I think one is used to monitor the current (current limit) the batteries...