if we have 3 generators 400v ,2MVA each and we step up using 3 transformers 400/22kv ,2Mva each
can we use 2 step down transformer each 4 MVA if i have maximum load =8MVA or we use 3 or 4 transformers with 2MV.
1-MY question exactly can i design step down transformer its rate is bigger than...
what is the difference between the dry type transformer and the oil type transformer in medium voltage ?
which is more economicaly and safty ?if any manuals or links serve this issue i'll be so thankfull
i'm recently graduated engineer and i want to know what the difference between the following in using ?
the switchgear and the circuitbreaker
miniture c.b and moulded case c.b
sectionlizer and bus coupler
sf6 and vacuum c.b
and thanks