Hi Waross
1&2> The three 100 KVA or not identical, not from the same manufacture. Can it cause mismatch? I don’t have exact 600v voltage reading phase to phase on the padmount secondary when hydro plant is running. 3 to 4 volts difference.
3> Third harmonics! Tell me more about them. My...
Hi Waross,
After I read what you wrote “against” delta-wye systems, I was sort of confused, though you might have described part of my problems.
Over the years I raised the voltage on my power line 2 times. Once from 2.4kv D-D to 7.2KV D-D. 3 years ago I raised it again, to 12.4KV this time...
3 transformers 600v to 7.2KV connected D-Y = 12.470v phase to phase; 7.2 phase to neutral.
If I were to connect them Y-Y what voltage would I get Phase phase, and phase to ground?