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  1. Bayram2014

    XY data report : Contact output duplicated

    I have these ascillations when plotting stress at one of the contact lines (surfaces in 2D plane stress). regards
  2. Bayram2014

    XY data report : Contact output duplicated

    Hello, I am studying contact between two solids in a plane stress formulation. When I want to output the contact information at one of the contact surfaces (lines in 2D), i first defined a Path that is one of the contact surfaces, than made XY report. I got duplicated nodes like :" /...
  3. Bayram2014

    *EL print

    Hi ll, I wanted to get the stresses at an ELSET and wrote: *EL print ,elset=ELsetFront_HB,POSITION=AVERAGED AT NODES,frequency=100000 S11, S22, S12 I got a table like : NODE FOOT- S11 S22 S12 NOTE 1 -4614. 1.2010E+06 5178. 5 -5.7100E+04 1.6403E+06...
  4. Bayram2014

    Viscoelastic Material properties PMMA

    Dear all, The structure I would like to model is made of PMMA: E = 3.2 GPa, nu = 0.4. More parameters are in the uploaded image: When modelled as linear elastic, the obtained results are...
  5. Bayram2014

    Discontinuous stick slip open zones

    Hello, Still stuck on this intermittent slipping. Thank you for any help
  6. Bayram2014

    Discontinuous stick slip open zones

    Exponential decay or test data are the same. In the second option, you do not specify dc, that's it.
  7. Bayram2014

    Discontinuous stick slip open zones

    I have tried also Node to surface contact and obtained similar results.
  8. Bayram2014

    Discontinuous stick slip open zones

    ** Interaction: Int-1 *Contact Pair, interaction=IntProp-1, type=SURFACE TO SURFACE Part-B-1.B_Contact,Part-H-1.H_contact, ** ----
  9. Bayram2014

    Discontinuous stick slip open zones

    Of course the pressure and gravity are both propagated until the end of the analysis. For the application I have used all of the available possibilities: Quasi-static, moderate dissipation, transient fidelity. I have even tried with entering alpha, beta and gamma myself to have different...
  10. Bayram2014

    Discontinuous stick slip open zones

    Hi Everyone, I am trying to reproduce the experimental results of a friction rig. I have two plates (modelled here as 3d solids) one above the other. After applying a normal (vertical) pressure (step 1) I start pushing the plate one at the top until the first sliding occurs (step2). Then in...
  11. Bayram2014

    mesh origin in abaqus

    Thank you. I have changed the translations in the Assembly. It is working as expected. regards
  12. Bayram2014

    mesh origin in abaqus with mesh figure. regards,
  13. Bayram2014

    mesh origin in abaqus

    Hi all, I have built a model using cae and put the frame origin at a corner for parts and mesh like in the attached mesh figure. When I generate an inp file, I saw nodes with coordinates that does not correspond to what I expect: I have negative Y coordinates while all the mesh should be above...
  14. Bayram2014

    Contact Friction Coeff

    Thank you for your reply, but before asking I have checked all the documentation and could not find the answer. I have read section 37.1.5 of the user analysis guide. regards
  15. Bayram2014

    Contact Friction Coeff

    Heloo again, I would like to know the formula relating the friction coef to slip rate when considering Exponential decay friction model with test data points. regards, Bayram
  16. Bayram2014

    Discontinuous CSLIP from step to step

    Any answer because I am stuck. I would like to add the steps: ** *Step, name=Step-2, nlgeom=yes, inc=100000,UNSYMM=YES *Dynamic,ALPHA=-0.0,GAMMA=0.5,BETA=0.25 0.1,89.41,2e-10,0.50 *************** *Controls, ANALYSIS=DISCONTINUOUS *CONTACT CONTROLS STABILIZE *CONTROLS, PARAMETERS=TIME...
  17. Bayram2014

    Discontinuous CSLIP from step to step

    The BC are as I wrote in my first message. I apply a displacement on a face during Step-2 until some value : -0.6544812e-3 in Step-3 I stop pushing and hold the face at the last displacement : -0.6544812e-3 the problem is not the intermittence of the CSLIP1 variable, but in the fact that it is...
  18. Bayram2014

    Discontinuous CSLIP from step to step

    the attached plot shows the CSLIP1 at 2 points of the contact surface. We can easily see that this variable is put to zero at the beginning of each step. How can I turn it off to have a continuous slipping as if it was computed in one single step ...
  19. Bayram2014

    Discontinuous CSLIP from step to step

    I want to see how fracture propagates like in earthquakes. When the first sign of slipping appears (end of step-2) i stop pushing and wait to ses how slipping propagates.

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