Metengr, following your answer, I am wondering about the choice of material.
I have to design a basket that contains aluminum parts. After heating (1200 deg F), there is a quenching into a tank (glycol water at 200 deg F).
I thought using a 309.
On the web, I see a lot of manufacturers who...
Best wishes . Health, and happiness.
I want to know the maximum temperature use of the following stainless steel : -304L -316L -316TI -321 and 309
For mechanical components or sheets. The mechanical stresses are low. The expansion is not hindered.
Some components are welded.
Thank you in...
Hi Electricpete
The example given is indicative of our current machines.
It is the value of the deflection of the wheel (center) under the effect of the single loading of the wheel and the shaft. In down direction. 0.015 inch was not correct. Sorry. Correct value is 0.0008 inch.
I don’t find...
Hi Electricpete.
Thank you for these important Informations
- The effects of gravity on calculated critical speed are irrelevant (except bearing stiffness / load – shaft thrust)
- Little effect of the loading in first approach
- Formula for the first critical speed for an overhung fan is : w =...
Hi Electricpete
Thank you very much for your answer.
« In most cases the effects of gravity are small and not included in the model »
In horizontal position, the deflection of the end of the shaft can reach 0.015 inches.
It seemed to be incident for speed limit (deflection >> than vertical...
Hi all,
I have to calculate the critical speed of a fan shaft for an oven.
Belt driven on a cantilever beam.
what is the best formula to calculate the first critical speed for an overhung fan ?
I need to define the minimal distance between the bearings.
The overhang is large.
The centrifugal...
Thank very much.
Belt driving create too much loads and probably causes vibrations and bad lubrification on the free bearing.
I prefer a direct coupled.
2 documents are very interesting. I see is not very good to have a smaller spacing with a belt driving. We have to multiplied by a factor...
Hi Mike.
Thank you very much.
the correct diameter is 22.8 inch. I'm sorry.
Mike, you can see in this PDF file a FAG housing unit:
I'll go to see...
Hi all.
I need to do an industrial fan (horizontal or vertical position).
The fan is on overhang (end of the shaft). Distance between the first bearing is "L1".
The length of the assemblies (fan + 2 bearing + coupling + electric motor) needed to be minimum.
Bearings can be oversized.
Weight of...