Hello All,
I am trying to perform a simple optimization of a cylinder where the surface area is minimized. I couldn't find a way to parametrize the surface area in both Workbench and APDL. I would be glad if anyone could help me with this.
Hey guys,
Is there a way of maintaining the distance of two parts when changing the extrusion of one part? Obviously I want this to be done automatically by abaqus.
Hello guys
In my Isight project, I have two variables A and B. The relationship between A and B should be that A is always double B. I tried Optimization1.A = 2*Optimization1.B and Optimization1A = Optimization1.B+Optimization1.B , but this weren't accepted. This is an optimization project BTW...
Unfortunately I can only use Abaqus. The honeycomb structure cannot be modified.
This is the picture of the honeycomb core. My objective is be to optimize the cell angle to find the optimal angle that can resist blast loads.
This is the picture of the honeycomb structure where I had to...
Thanks for the response rstupplebeen. Yes, I modeled the hexagon shape in Abaqus but didn't assign a laminate property. Would it be possible to perform the optimization in Abaqus only rather then the software you mentioned? If so any help would be appreciated.
Hello guys
I created a honeycomb structure under blast loads using the Dynamic/Explicit step. But due to Abaqus inability to optimize explicit analysis I had to mirror the blast loads into static loads under Static, General step. The results aren't perfect but it will do. Now if anyone could...
Mustaine3 your suggestion mirrored the effects accurately but I got a problem. ABAQUS cannot optimize the displacement of the honeycomb due to predefined displacement. Is there any way through my problem? Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.
Is there a way of mirroring blast loads (CONWEP) into static loads and get accurate similarities? In my model, I simulated a blast load acting on a honeycomb and my objective is to optimize the honeycomb structure to reduce displacement but due to the fact that the optimization module in Abaqus...
Hello guys,
I am working on a model that I am trying to optimize. I used the CONWEP feature in Abaqus to create blast loads, I want to optimize the model such that displacement is reduced. When I tried to run the optimization process I got an error saying that Optimization process cannot run an...