Hello all , we have been on the market for a 2D laser for the past year . Initially we considered Trumpf 3030 fiber 4 KW or Prima platino 4 KW as well , both machines with the extra tube cutting application , we already have machines from the brands and are satisfied with them .Now is when it...
This was there report :
"The development of corrosion is depending on different factors and can occur after 1000h or 10.000h e.g.
- The admixture in the cooling water to avoid corrosion was not sufficient
- Missing maintenance on the resonator
- …."
The admixture was added...
Hello all , I´m new on the forum so please excuse me if I go past any protocol.
We have a Trumpf Tc6000l with a 2kw LASER . Over the past 11 years we had 3 water leaks in our resonator , the last leading a complete resonator change .All maintenance is done in accordance to the manual and the...