Hi, a water tank will be put in the third level floor or slab. What must be the volume if gravity tank will be used so the pressure would be strong at 2nd floor and ground? It will be primarily as wet fire system. The tank won't be used for any other water applications since the building already...
In the drawing. Is the first moment frame building and second global braced frame considered a single structure? I think no.
But a building without braced frame and only moment frame. I think ordinary frame and moment moment frame only vary in the ductility and sizes so can they be considered...
The above came from this excellent ref http://www.iitk.ac.in/nicee/IITK-GSDMA/EBB_001_30May2013.pdf
It's in page 102. There you will see the braced frame has lesser lateral displacement with equivalent lateral energy (say base shear in all cases is 5700 kN). Hence the equivalent displacement...
So the equivalent displacement principle is only valid for similar systems. It doesn't work for stone building block vs column-beam based building. But do you think it is still valid for braced frame vs nonbraced frame? The braced frame is very stiff because it is braced. So it can't have equal...
Jae, when you mentioned "if the floor gets loaded up around the tank, then the floor will deflect downward, imposing more load on the roof.".. were you talking about the tank just standing on the floor or also connected to the roof? Because if it's just standing on the floor and the floor...
1. If ground accelerates in seismic movement, do all structure foundation (whether it is 50 storey trump tower foundation or a one storey poor man foundation) moves the same amount? If yes. Then if there is no slide, then there is no banging of foundation. Right?
2. The equal displacement...
I'd like the water tank to be supported on the floor slab and also at the roof I-beam with each contributing half to the support capacity (the roof I-beam would have bars going down carrying half the tank load). How do I make sure the roof I-beam and floor slab has roughly equal load (or least...
How do you compute whether a building and foundation can slide or not? In your projects.. how many storeys usually before the weight can make it no longer slide? just estimate? can say 6 storey with 2 bays with say 16 feet span still slide or do only 2 storey (2 bay 16 feet span) building slide...
Smaller spread (or pad) footings should slide more compared to larger combined footings.. larger footings have more surface and hence more coefficient of friction.
But in usual buildings.. the pad or spread footings are not doweled or keyed to the soil or rock underneath.. without these.. most...
You mean solid concrete wall and slabs in the perimeter? Many buildings have 2 floors of basement parking and I think some use column-beams and hollow blocks (or masonry blocks) at perimeter to make up the walls just like above grade. Are you saying you haven't encountered this in practice and...
You mention the walls will be flexible relative to the rock mass. But isn't it the retaining wall is made up of column and beam grid touching the rock. Let's say the rock impart its seismic load to the column-beam joint portion connecting to the diagraphm.. won't the rock crack the column-beam...
Kootk.. Thanks. I'd like to ask something unrelated. How does building with rocks surrounding the basements perform. Would the rock push against the walls?
Does this horizontal shear affect more on 2 way punching shear or 1 way shear? How about for mat and bigger footing? If someone can find any reference about this in foundation section of books and whether it is called by another name, please let me know.. thanks
The contractor told me they did...
concrete ordering issues.. and the reason for the partial column up to that point is to add a ground beam to it.. so they order a concrete truck that can fill them at same time.. because it's difficult and expensive to order separate truck just for that one meter column height.. the purpose of...
The contractor usually casted the footing and lower part of column at same time. The president reasoned it must be monolithic. Also the foundation and column happen to be both 4000 psi so they can be casted monolith (at least the lower part of the column and footing). How can there be quality...
Hokie66. Books I read like Design of Concrete Structure 14t Edition doesn't mention this horizontal shear thing in the Footing and Foundation part but only punching shear and 1 way shear. May I know why it's not mentioned and what books mentioned them? Checking 2 other books.. it's not mentioned...
1. Should footing and lower part of column be casted monolithic? Or can footing have concrete placement first and then say 5 days later the column would be casted?
2. Let's say you have the footing casted first with dowels or even column bars sticking out already. And say the footing depth is...
Let's say you have concrete placement done one half of it (see the red lines) and the other top half (or rest of portion) of it placed next day. Can it affect the punching shear strength? How about one way shear strength?
I read this... http://peer.berkeley.edu/tbi/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/Design_Drift_Requirements_For_Long-Period_Structures.pdf
"By increasing the stiffness of low-rise structures, the strength of these structures is generally
increased, and ductility demands on these structures as they...