Thanks Agent666 and Tomfh.
Yes I understand, and I will be checking it. I have actually read through multiple literature including the one mentioned before I posted on here.
The checking of the stirrups part I get - shear/tension in stirrup times number of stirrups it would cross at a 45...
Some of the key ones that I had to deal with:
They provide mobile and web-based collaboration technologies for project information and process management on a SaaS basis.
It's heavily used in many countries as the 'project management' tool for medium to large scale construction projects...
Thanks guys.
So are we saying here that:
If the penetration is small enough diameter, that a 45 degree crack as shown in Agent666's sketch will have to cross a stirrup, then it would be okay?
Currently dealing with a 750 deep beam with a 150 diameter hole. The stirrup need scanning but...
Hi all,
Do you have any guidance on how to approach checking existing concrete beams for web penetrations?
If the opening just misses the stirrups (i.e. within the space between stirrups), is that considered acceptable (if the penetration is small enough diameter ~ say 0.3 x depth of beam)?