Compositepro - The equipment has NOT operated without problems. The inside of the starter panel looks like a war zone.
Heat/damage to a fuse holder creates resistance. Does the resistance make that leg draw more current? Enough to blow a 400A fuse?
Tugboat - I've seen schematics for...
I was told the motor was meggered from the load side of the starter. I should have confirmed.
Please elaborate on the autotransformer not operating correctly. One of the conductors on the "load side" of the autotransformer was severely corroded and the rest looked like they were lightly...
A couple of days ago I was on a service call on a 250hp 3p 480vac agricultural well that blew a 400A fuse. The fused disconnect feeds an autotransformer soft starter. The equipment is pretty old and worn out. The fuse holders/lugs/wires for the blown fuse had clearly overheated. I cleaned...
I talked to the Product Manager for our local AB distributor. He was pretty cool.
I decided to go with the SMC-50 and a sun shade. The enclosures are already ventilated. He feels pretty confident heat won't be an issue.
He confirmed what I kinda already knew. The autotransformer panels are...
The suspense is killing me. I need to know what's happening.
I have three additions to confuse this even further.
First, you can't even assume that it's the VFD. There could be other aspects of this process that coincide with the VFD running.
Second, when I have problems with instrumentation...
jraef - I'm familiar with the SMC-3. I like AB products but I try to avoid them because our AP girl got into some drama with the only local distributor.
I know it's pathetic; but, it is what it is.
RedSnake - This is on a farm that's 2 hours drive from me. I'd REALLY like to avoid all the...
Can anyone make suggestions for soft starters that tolerate high heat and a bit of dirt? I need one for a 100 hp 3P 480V motor on an agricultural well in Arizona. Record high temp in the area where this would be installed is 124F.
I found a WEG that will tolerate 55C but I'd still like...