Solids, some humidity present in atmosphere .? about 15% huimidy volume% in above atmosphere)
Would a blend of clacium chloride (CaCl2,6H2O) 70% wt and lime (Ca(OH)2 30% corrode carbon steel at 70°C
Hi. I could not find any correlation that suits me. and hole size is too large to apply distillation data?.
I have a horizontal plate with holmes 4 inches in diameter. (100mm)
air is flowing from bottom at velocity around 10 m/s through the holes
Wtaer is flowing from top ratio of L/G is...
I am not expert EdStainless, but I still have a question
According to the OUTOKUMPU figure 254SMO looks suitable for pure HCl (1%) at 70°C (0.1mm/year corrosion)
sea water would have about the same chloride concentration.
You said that the acidity would kill me.
So where is the important...
Would SMO254 Alloy (6-6.5%Mo) be usable, at 40°C in acidic seawater, pH 2.3 and in a very reducing environment? (SO23)
so wz have chlorides (seawaterà
SO2 / sulfuuric qsp pH 2.3
what worries me is SO2, creating a reducing environment
I will let to other people the task to identify thercouple suppliers.
A reasonably accurate way could also be to calculate by CFD + evaporation, using a Flluent of Fluent-like software, provided you know the spraying pattern of the evaporative cooler.
But I d like to get back to the basics.
The spray tower itself does not seem to me as the best possible solution.
You have flakes,
I would also consider impaction technologies where droplets would "catch" the scales. May be a venturi. Maybe a wet scrubber could do the job, with a much reduced pressuire drop.
More studies are...
Use the following (Henri's law)
log10(x wt) = -569.10+14685/T+232.4*log10(T)-0.0189 T x wt mass fraction (zero to one) T in °K
at 160°F It gives for one ATM of ClO2 0.95% wt (9.5 g/l)
I also have at 333°K 15.6 g/l yields atmospheric
water has a partial pressure of about 0.33 atm at...
Hi CompositePro
Who manufactures the kind of digital control valves, with multiple orifices you mention?
I googles but cannot find the kind of design you refere to.
I am not sure I understand what your problem is.
There are many good polynomial expressions (and non polynomial) for the Enthalpy (vapor state) for, separately
nitrogen, oxigen, water, and rare gaz if you wish
You do a two step process
1) determine the composition (H2O content, ....)
No this is not what I mean.
If the temperature went low, then NaOH cristallization will occur. You can hane Na2CO3 cristals.
It should be easy to check that. The Na2CO3 cristals will dissolve much more slowly into water and they do not release CO2, when put in contact with an acid.
I think the...
You should keep 50% NaOH above 8°C. Could you have reached a lower temperature? If yes some solids can form (NaOH, xH2O
we do not trace such tanks, but we use them only indoors. Otherwise we switch to 30% wh NaOH
Naima's program (3EPlus4.1) gives, if I keyed in the input correctly
2 inches of insulating concrete 528°F T skin (outside)
T wall (inside) 168°F (no wind)
Naima"'s progarm is free and downloadable
I have not done detailed calculations, and even have not used all of your data.
I assume you want to verify the wall temperature to check the acid dew point, and avoid condensation/ corrosion
The external temperature is 105°F (40°C)
the heat tranfsfer coefficient should not exceed kout=30...
Are alloys like 304 / 304L suitable with dilute ammonia / ammonium sulfate solutions, at pH 9 and at 40-80°C temperature range. It's for a heat exchanger.
Concentration will be low (<0.5 gram/liter NH3/NH4+)
other species present SO4--, Na+
Chlorides: less than 0.2 gm/liter
1) Aspen has a module RATEFRAC that can do what you want. It works with actual ^packing heigths.
2) Any vendor will do a preliminary design for you
3) as a rough estimate, with proper wetting and 2 inches nominal size of packing, you may expect about 2 stages per meter of packing. This will be...