Fully agree with Littleinch with additional context that for offshore where minimising size, weight and maintaining access in tight spacing is more critical a kicker line sizing of 30% of pipeline ID on 24” and above is permitted within my employer’s standards (major operator).
I trialled the Stress Concentration Tomography (SCT) version of Large Standoff Magnetometry (LSM) technology from a UK based vendor (Google it) as opposed to the Russian vendor (Google it) about 10 years ago on an onshore gas pipeline.
The idea (hope) was to compare the SCT results with...
Hacksaw, Apologies for using any potentially offensive terms. Littleinch used the term earlier without any pushback so I thought it would be OK / appropriate as it the term that is most widely used in the industry (not every device scrapes) including the Middle East where I worked extensively.
Typically the most effective "tool in the tool box" for managing waxy oil pipelines is to have an effective operational pigging program in place designed by a competent and experienced pipeline engineer supported by a corrosion and process and / or flow assurance engineer. It is good to set an...