Hi everyone. I am modelling a reinforced concrete H-joint on an FEA software. Obviously I need to provide Concrete Damage Plasticity parameters to model the inelastic behaviour of concrete. However, I am having hard time trying to find the CDP parameters for C90 concrete, which I have in the...
Hi everyone. For some while I've been going over major codes and textbooks regarding P/T design but surprisingly I could not find an answer to a seemingly simple question. I've observed that P/T frame members are checked/designed according to dead loads, superimposed dead loads and live loads. I...
Hi everyone. I am a beginner in Abaqus and I am trying to model a viscoelastic damper to obtain the hysteresis curve. I will use the model as a basis for the experimental program I will perform within the scope of my PhD thesis. Basically, I have defined three parts/sections for the steel plates...