I sent the following to my PTC reseller a few yars ago and have brought it up whenever asked how I like the new version of Prime. I think I even logged a few cases on the PTC website a few years back and not much has happened.
"I have started to use Prime but to be honest the limitations...
My experience with the circular e-mail loop was the same as yours. The truely amazing thing was I was trying to buy the upgrade, it took me almost a week to finally make the connection so that somebody would take my money for version 14. How long can they stay in business with this essentially...
I am a little surprised with your experience with MathCad 12.1. I upgraded to MathCad 12 and had all kinds of problems with the software not opening, existing worksheets refusing to open and execute, random crashes, extremely slow performance, licensing files, the list goes on and on. When I...
Try the plesol command. I think the plnsol command extrapolates from the integration points (gauss points) to the nodes and even averages the results at a given node for all the elements containig that node (if averaging is allowed which I think that is the default). If I remember correctly...
I have found the windchime discussion to be very interesting. I am not sure that I understand what the confusion is about the quarter wavelength tubes. But if you go to my website, I have some theory on quarter wavelength tubes as they are applied to stereo speaker design.
Hope that helps...
Hi ThetaJC,
ANSYS is looking for additional material properties, in particular magnetic properties of the element's material. My guess is that you have specified a keyopt for the element that activates displacements, temperatures, and magnetic vector potential. I would also guess that you are...
I think we are saying the same thing. By n = 3, 5, 7, ..., I was refering to the standing wave mode shape and not the frequencies, I was not clear. In other words 3/4 of a stretched sine wave, 5/4 of a stretched sine wave, 7/4 of a stretched sine wave and so on. I use the word stretched to...
The equation you site is only accurate for straight geometries where the cross-sectional area is constant along the length. When the cross-sectional area changes along the length (like in a horn) this equation is no longer applicable. The frequency of the first resonance of a horn will...
Hello fletchbm,
You might find some useful info at www.quarter-wave.com where there are many different MathCad acoustic models available including horn loudspeakers.
Hope that helps,