To make it simple. I have worked in many different industries. Petro/Chem, paper, etc for over 25 years. For the most part you want to keep small DC and mA signals separate from AC due to EMF noise and for safety reasons as well. When a tech is working in a cabinet he knows what the voltage and...
My background is Petro/Chemical Control System Engineering and Instrument engineering. I now work at a paper mill. There has been some issues concerning the P&ID's. Does anyone know the OSHA requirements for having updated and correct P&ID's drawings. I was told that these are not required for a...
I am a Sr. Sys Engr. New to this facility. We have a Honeywell TDC 3000 1980's technology. Before I started hear they had decided to follow the Honeywell migration plan and now I am being asked to take this over. Honeywell is all the people here know they have no experience with any other...