Hi,I need information about combustion chamber design (combustion calculations,heat transfer process,estimated and design of burners...)
The device is a tubular reactor(6´´ID) that will be inside of combustion chamber (tubular too,15´´ID) and will be heated for burners of natural gas.
I Know...
Thank for your quick tip,I Know the heat rate tubular reactor needs: about 77 kW.
My doubt is how to obtain a model of heat transfer and energy balance (burners->flame radiation->heat transfer of gas combustion [radiation and convection]-> refractory emissions->heating of steel reactor....)
Hi,I need information about combustion chamber design (combustion calculations,heat transfer process,estimated and design of burners...)
The device is a tubular reactor(6´´ID) that will be inside of combustion chamber (tubular too,15´´ID) and will be heated for burners of natural gas.