To me it would be wiser to do both, because a resume with both will always look better than resume with one or the other.
I've worked with Engineering managers who did not know much about engineering and it was quite painstaking.
The route I took was a "pure engineering" graduate program...
I'd be interested to learn of a way around some ISO policies that make tabulated drawings more complicated than they need to be.
In our plant, it has been communicated that we must label all of our parts in our inventory shelves with the current revision.
We often change lengths for just one...
I understand the need purposes of revisions after release, but this hasn't been released to the floor yet. To me its a simple compartmentalization of
enginnering. Viewing the entire engineering department as an entity vs. needing revisions between your drafter, detailer, and process engineer...
We are revamping our engineering practices here, and a common case came up that brought a question to mind.
Our engineering team works closely with our programming team on new products. There is a lot of back and forth with the drawings and designs.
In this particular case the drawing was...