The utexas (UT) paper is relevant to our discussion but the vulcanhammer one is not. However, the UT paper specifically applies to NON-yielding walls. Such a condition between a rigid rock face and a stiff retaining wall is similar to a silo condition and the resulting experimental...
The second attachment did not show up in my previous post.http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=775ef2e6-c6ce-4db8-a836-ea930cbfd444&file=Earth_Pressures_Retaining_Walls_Rock_Faces_Numerical_Solution.pdf
Thanks for the references.
I came across a paper that was very helpful. See the attachment.
The authors use the method for silo pressures as a starting point but expand on it because it is not appropriate for direct use since it does not account for movement of a relatively...
BigH- thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I don't know why I did not think to search for 'silo' pressures. For future reference 'narrow backfill' is also a good search term.
I've read many posts and many theories on this question and most are saying to use a silo analogy and take...
I'm looking for advice on the design pressures for a wall in a condition shown in the attachment. The wall is being cut into over-excavated rock so that waterproofing can be applied to the back side of the wall. The rock produces no lateral pressure and there is only a limited width of soil...
Contractor wants to place a mud mat under a cantilever retaining wall footing. I'm ok with that in principle but was wondering if I should require a minimum thickness and if so, why. Frankly, I'm more concerned about the effect on the coefficient of friction for sliding. Does it make...
I've been asked to evaluate whether a 6 foot wide by 24" deep continuous footing under a wall can be strengthened with mini/pin piles drilled through the footing on each side of the walls 15" away from the face. Piles are 2-by-2 along the wall spaced 5 feet apart, plus/minus depending on...
Helical piers is one good suggestion to increase strength but with that much eccentricity, very little of the footing rebar will be effective and you will likely not have sufficient bending capacity. Also, with that much eccentricity, I would argue that you effectively have a 2 foot wide...
We had to over-excavate for retaining wall footings in Atlanta while chasing competent bearing soil. The contractor wants to use a lean concrete to fill the over-excavation and submitted a mix design that has a w/c ratio of 1.06 for 1000 psi.
Info I've found about lean concrete just...
For the CRSI program you have to enter each pile's coordinates.
Beam analysis with typical program? You can't use a strictly beam analysis or you'll overlook punching shears. And, I'm not sure they do deep shear.
Some of the other general purpose programs can be used very successfully but...
Yes, but how do you design them if your spacing or column size is not tabulated? CRSI's program is fine for that but when piles are placed out of tolerance and the contractor needs an answer yesterday, checking and/or fixing them with CRSI's program was, at times, extremely time-consuming and...