Hi Blas,
Thank you so much! This is a great help. I hadn't realised that the headgear was defined as two separate solids, as they were given as a single file to me in an orphan mesh and I had to create a solid from the mesh itself and then remesh, so that is handy to know!
I'm not sure you have...
Please see second file attached below, as mentioned.https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=589bffae-7e0e-426d-8769-4b6ae0fe524b&file=NGSOLVE_mesh.inp
Hi Blas,
Thank you for your response! Please see the original geometry in a .stp file format and the exported .inp mesh from NGSolve. Your help is much appreciated! Hopefully this will solve the...
Hi FEA way,
Thanks for the reply! I will try to see if this is an option in NGSolve, thank you for the suggestion.
The error in Abaqus is the same for any file type other than .inp (see below)
Hi all, I've been trying to mesh a very complex solid of sports headgear to use in impact simulations in Abaqus and was finally successful when I managed to mesh it using NGSolve. I am now having issues exporting this mesh and importing it to Abaqus successfully. Shown in the images below are...