If anyone is curious I figured it out...
I opened up the dummy battery and I was able to see the backside of the connections. Turns out I should have been posting in a camera forum instead of an electronics forum because the extra cable (the white one) seems to be a sync cable (it goes to...
I'm not familiar with that...
So the question is...
If this common cord is involved, and I am converting it to splice in with a modern two wire DC transformer...what do I do with the common cable?
Will it work without it?
I also need to find out which is which (red, white, and black)...
Please keep in mind this thing is from the 70's.
I'm sure the camera treats the dummy battery the same as it would a real battery, it just ensures it's the proper voltage.
The internal batteries total up to 20v, which is what the DV transformers supply....
i dono....
No, it's just an AC power cord, like a wall wart...you know? A transformer which attaches to a dummy battery on the camera, in place of a real battery, so one can run the battery off of AC power.
I'm converting the same cord to have the ability to run off of a battery pack.
unfortunately, I haven't got much equipment with me currently...I guess I was just hoping someone had heard of this three wire DC configuration.
I did find this post: http://www.eng-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?qid=89491&page=7
It says:
Positive of 3-wire d.c. RED
Middle wire of 3-wire d.c. BLACK...
I'm making electronics for the film industry, and I'm working on making cables to power camera equipment.
I've made a lot of cables, all of which I'm terminating with 4 pin XLR jacks. If you aren't familiar with those, no need to look them up, because they aren't the problem.
The problem...