I am trying to do a modal analysis a cantilever beam which has a total length of 36 inches. It is fixed at one end using a clamp which has a length of 1 inch. So, in my mind, the effective length that is 'free' to oscillate is 35 inches. The question is, would it be a reasonable to assume...
Hi, thanks for the reply. Would it be possible to simmulate the plate as a rigid body by setting its stiffness to a very high number? I.e. if the cylinder is 1Gpa, have the plate as 1000 GPa? Would that be sufficient?
I am trying to simulate a cylinder pressing on a plate, modelled as rigid which is fixed to ground in 2D in Workbench. How can I constrain the rigid plate so that it does not move? Obviously fixed support does not work and Ansys isn't allowing the use of joints in 2D. Any ideas?