I agree there could be grounding on the LV side But being three individual tx's, each phase is isolated with the HV side open, has me wondering how and where its grounded. I think Ill give it a go, and if the readings are crap Ill look at isolating the tx and/or the ground. IF I cant do that...
I realize you cant megger hot and I also that the tx isnt conductively connected from LV side to HV side. My question is more about the load that would present by the tx (even with the power off) and if a megger would be affected by this.
And I agree 5kv is too high for this app.
Why would...
Sorry if I wasnt clear. I dont care about the tx. but I cant remove it from my cct. Its the secondary conductors Im worried about. I think they were exposed to heat so I want to test the insulation. Im worried the tx might screw up my megger readings. ie maybe put a load on my tester or some...
I need to test some insulation integrity.
Its a 3 phase system, with three single phase tx.s. I can disconnect on the high side of the tx only.
Its a typical pole tx. from the utility co.s overhead line to a commercial bldg.
Do you think I can still get a reliable meggar reading? Will my...