I have a 24V DC Light Bulb, I can use do place a draw on each panel. I will add that between the volt meter.
How does one distroy a panel anyways? For example what would hapen if I reversed the wires in teh compiner box? Pos to neg and then neg to pos? Can that be tested or if there is juice...
Thanks for the advise. I will check it out first thing in the morning before the sun get too potent. :) I am not sure how this is possible, as I checked the line several times, but I suppose it is possible that the manufacturer switched the terminals from the older 120W panel to the new 130W...
Greetings, I just replaced a 120W panel with a new 130W panel via a warranty. 130W was all the manufacturer had. When I hooked the system back up, my charge controller read 0.00. The second I removed the new panel, it went back up to normal of around 20.3. That is the mystery. Here are some...