I was looking at the best way to anchor a Hollowcore Precast concrete slab to a bond beam. my outer wall is composed of 4" face brick with 1/2" air space, then 8" CMU. I have a 10" Hollowcore Precast Concrete Slab for the roof slab which will be bearing on top of a 8" Bond Beam which runs the...
Thanks Twinnell, I used to always just go by the rule of thumb and those charts, but just being new I didnt know if there was more detail into it or not.
The only loading is the dead load of the concrete and a set of stairs in which the only part of the stairs that connects into the concrete is the absolute bottom ot the 2 stair stringers. The stairs go in one run from the concrete to the 2nd floor. Any help would be appreciated since I wont be...
Thanks for the advice on the mesh, however I am still looking at how to design the slab on grade. for example if I have a 100lb/ft live load and dead load of concrete, how do I calculate proper depth of slab and proper steel reinf.
Yeah I have good subgrade about 2500 psf, and plan on having joints at 12 feet. other than dead load from the concrete and I one point load of 100lbs, how do I show it in calculation.
I need to design a 4' wide by 35' long concrete slab on grade. I've done floor slabs elevated, but never a slab on grade and not sure really were to go with it or how to design. I planned on using 4,000 psi conc with wwf for reinf. any help would be appreciated.