Multi-family residential client wants to look at going 7 floors using conventional wood framing for apartment "hi-rise". My max experience has been with 4 floors with slab on grade. This project would require piling or pier foundation at ground floor to get above base flood elevation, and have...
For the principal spillway of a lake, I have a concrete riser structure (8'x32' inside dims)designed using the PCA Concrete Tanks Method. I need to place a slide gate in the lower portion of the base wall that will have a 48 inch dia. thimble cast in place with the wall pour. Wall thickness is...
Thanks guys, after reviewing all suggestions, and discussing with reviewer (Corps of Engineers), we demonstrated meeting the requirements of ACI 318 17.5 & 11.7, and had to specify minimum surface roughening amplitude for the joint construction.
We have designed a deep cover (44') box culvert using the Box Car program. The box is 8'x 8' with 12" haunches at the interior corners. Wall thickness was selected to accomodate shear and then vertical reinf. selected for resulting bending. We are calling for a construction joint just above...