Yes, this is a new application, new equipment, new structure. The drive is shaft mounted and properly alligned. The pulleies have all been check and are within acceptable specs for run-out. The belt is lighter than the one used for a similar system on site due to the project constraints...
Adding additional idlers was my first thought as well. I will need to consult with my mech. engineer to more closly determine opperating belt speed and the EOR for the natural frequency of the truss. Thanks for everyones help.
My company is providing Construction Administration services for a project were several coal conveyors are being constructed. A recent test run of one conveyor has revealed some vibrations within the middle span of the conveyor gallery induced by the return belt which appears to have a harmonic...
Thanks Taro
If "a" is the distance along the member from max shear to zero shear than what is the value for "a" when you have a simply supported beam with a single point load? The max shear and min shear theoretically occur at the same location. Are you suppose to use the maximum distance...
I have a question regarding the shear strength calculations for Hollow Structural Sections.
Ref: AISC LRFD 3rd Edition, 16.2-7, EQ 5.2-2
In order to calculate the shear strength of an HSS you must first calculate the critical stress, Fcr. One of the varialbes within that equation is "a", the...