> Are there piles under the footing of this wall? (You did mention them).
This is one of the solution for stopping the movement of the wall. But I need to know how can i model (if possibile) a plate (o something else) where every elements are disconnected each other (no tensile material). I...
> This appears to be a fairly simple gravity retaining wall that can be easily and quickly done by hands calcs.
Of course it's a simple wall (if I have to make new, but it's already existing). I have to modell because I want to see when this wall'll collapse and studying a good solution (for...
I'm modelling a problematic stone wall. This wall is a retaining wall and i have measured that the wall rotate and move (respect the foundation). Probably the cause is water or some yielding. The wall starts with 0.8 meter of height and arrive at 3.3 m. Thickness is 0.45 m e the lenght of front...
First of all you must say what's the distance from traffic sign to the axis of the train (ag).
Then you have to consider the aeredynamics of your train (K = aerodynamic factor).
For examples:
ag = 2.3 meter
q1k = 1.75 kN/m2 (wind load)
k = 1 (bad aerodynamic)
= 0.85 (quite good aerodynamic)...
thank you!
first of all:
> corus, if I ask it's to improve my knowledge and not to be an inaccurate engineer,
"If a more accurate estimate of the buckling load is required, it is recommended that a nonlinear analysis be carried out so that the effect of pre-buckling deformation can be...
SHORTLY (and not accurate) THEORY: a buckling load factor:
= 1 means that the applied load is exact the load for buckling the structure.
< 1 means that the applied load buckle the structure
> 1 means the structure will not buckle
I omit negative values.
But if you have to design a structure...