tesak Thanks for your reply,
The problem is that this error isn't reproducible at a specific line of the code, every time it appears in a different line that's why I didn't post the code.
I'm getting this error message "AUTOMATION ERROR" (picture below), only when I run the macro step by step, and sometimes it gives me this error randomly.
Is there any way to solve this issue?
I appreciate your suggestion.
Thanks in advance
thank you for your response, that's a great idea, the probleme is that I always change the file (assembly) that I'm working on.
for the dimension I want to set it to 14mm. is there any way to achieve that, I do have multiple points in the space.
thank you in advance,
I really appreciate your help, thank you veryy much ,
have a nice week end, [thumbsup2]
hi CAD2015
thank you for the suggestion , unfortunately I'm on win 7 [pc1].
....exe process
Set objWMIcimv2 = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set objList = objWMIcimv2.ExecQuery("select * from win32_process where name='" & strTerminateThis & "'")
For Each objProcess In objList
intError = objProcess.Terminate 'Terminates...
Private mblnSuccess As Boolean
Public Function EnumCallback(ByVal app_hWnd As Long, ByVal param As Long) As Long
Dim buf As String * 256
Dim title As String
Dim length As Long
' Checks a returned task to determine if App should be closed
' get window's title...
yeah, I've been spending days trying to solve this issue.
I want to give the user the possibility to select an area that he desire to be captured, then with the second button I have to take a picture of that area because I'll include this picture in a generated report...
Hi everybody,
I’m working on project in catia V5 using vba, in this project I want to achieve those things :
I want to use a userform with two buttons:
the first one is reserved to appear the Capture toolbox (picture below)
,Then wait for the user to select the area that he want to be...
Thank you too much, I understand now,
in my case I don't receive any licencing error, the only thing I can't do is to create a 3DPart, I receive an error on the checking of the discipline client attribute SetAttributeValue "V_CustoDiscipline","PDD", I'm getting in touch with the DS...
Many thanks, you're too kind,I really appreciate your support,
First I'm using catia v6R2013, What I want to achieve is to create PDD (product) then insert (create inside) a 3DD (3DShape);
I found this way :
Retrieve the VPMReference object from the PDD after it has been created(root...
thank you, I really appreciate your feedback , I've already checked this topic, its not what I'm looking for,
thank you for reply , could you please copy the thread presented in your COE Link, cuz I'm trying to access to the link but the login page keeps me of the thread, I...
Hello everyone,
I've been spending days trying to figure out how to create a Product then place in a 3DShape inside this product created, I tried this code below:
Sub CATMain ()
'-----create a product
dim oNewService As PLMNewService2
set oNewService =...
Thanks everyone I resolved the problem by replacing xlPaperA4 with the number 9 and xlPaperA3 with 8, and xlPageLayoutView with 3
For this reply,I just wanna share with you my solution, it works well now
I've tried this :
'******My Main Code
Public optionA4 as boolean
Public optionA3 as boolean
Sub CATMain()
dim AppliExcel As Object
Set AppliExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
AppliExcel.Visible = True
Hi, itsmyjob
Thank you for your response,
I tried your suggestion but its still not working, I got this error message " Automation error ",
I'm launching Excel from CATIA, and I need to set the excel page size to A4 or A3 as mentioned above