Hi JC,
The theory that follows holds up in real life.
The power triangle shows [1] real power, where voltage and current are in phase; the product of volts x amps equals watts, 746 of which make one horsepower, which involves doing actual work, which requires energy expenditure, in your case...
Just to help you double check your math, this page https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/alternating-current/chpt-11/true-reactive-and-apparent-power/ gives a diagrammatic tutorial on real, apparent and reactive power.
Like Bill [waross] said, power factor is determined by the load, not the...
Welcome to the forums, JC.
My first questions are, "Measured where? And how have you determined PF is leading?"
Since you just joined and your profile doesn't tell us much about you, my response may be a bit pedantic, but I've learned to live with that.
As a retired power system / grid...
Hello zoo, waross is correct; I agree more with his second recommendation, viz., you should find a local expert in power factor penalties.
My reference was to a power factor correction unit that connects at the point of common coupling, meaning where your electrical services and your power...
Hmm, have I not seen threads in these fora relating to commercially available small scale power factor correction units for use at Point Of Common Coupling [ POCC ] ? You might want to do a search . . .
Why not?
If lower valve is closed and aspirator draws water up from the upper reservoir, will it not spill over the saddle of the apogee and prime the downstream side as well?
Or am I missing something?
If a valve is placed at the outlet and closed during priming, cannot an aspirator be used at the top of the siphon to extract the contained air? This would obviate the need for a foot valve at the inlet.
"Unfired" perhaps, but not without energy input; ability to liberate steam in such volumes as needed to preclude boiler or system over-pressurization is still very much in play.
Wrong forum
Please delete this one and re-post your query in Concrete Engineering forum here https://www.eng-tips.com/categories/concrete-engineering.10072/
Tree removal at 230 kV? Sounds like forestry practices / R/O/W clearing operations were either not being performed or seriously behind schedule . . .
Practice when I was working was to confirm all infeed breakers open with Hold-Off / Hot Line Work Order tags [electronically] placed on all...
Have you no electricians or electronics technologists under contract or on site to troubleshoot the problem? Were not manuals supplied with the equipment? Is the unit still under warranty?
Are you suggesting that the cable will be left on potential from the wind turbine at all times?
I'm used to the cable being off pot while the connections are made, at which point the supply and load end breakers are closed to first pot the cable, then place it on load. This would suggest to me...