I liked the way the effect of WW2 rationing was still present. Thou shalt use the letters in alphabetical order for each different attribute. So you have view A datum A section A-A, none of which are necessarily related.
It is definitely there in Car. Which Test Rig are you using? I don't have ADAMS any more so i can't tell you directly, but if you post the .adm file i'll find it.
Oh noes - there's been some changes in Antarctic sea ice
Oh diddums, photos from 1937 says we've got more than had then
Unless US drivers are even worse than as shown on TV and youtube, I very much doubt that "Miscommunication during lane changes, at intersections, and in parking lots is a leading cause of automobile accidents".
Peel Hunt report on the link between Net Zero and declining productivity in the UK
It is fair to say there have been other factors since 2005, Brexit and immigration and covid...
Would you class this as a trick question or a useful one (or both or neither)?
These 2 are the classic ones, I class them as puzzles, myself , and wouldn't want students wasting their time on them.
No , the LHS drawing in the OP has a horizontal line. Until we see the real question, not some hacked up version, we can't tell. I'm excluding the possibility of wafer thin surfaces or surface details.
Yes that certainly makes more sense. If I could point out the obvious LH and RH may not be symmetrical?
So OP, please post the actual problem, not your bad reinterpretation?
Wheels falling off Western Australia's net Zero plans.
The reason investment in new windmills is dropping off a cliff is...
I'll put it this way. Without any technical drawing classes at all I was given a series of questions like this for my apprenticeship. They said it was the best test for engineering aptitude they had found (I don't necessarily agree).
Anyway this little tag annoys me. is that extension to the...
Replacing some of the renewables and gas with reactors gives
If we replace some of the wind, solar, and battery storage with 1 GW nuclear reactors to provide baseload power, the overall cost structure would change significantly. Below is an analysis comparing the original plan (dominated by...
Designing a power generation system that delivers an average of 24 gigawatts (GW) while accommodating the intermittency of renewables and aligning with typical daily demand curves requires a strategic mix of energy sources. Below is a proposed energy mix, along with associated costs and...
The way I got into it practically was by running an experimental modal analysis lab and 'helping' the FEA guys to correlate their models to the cold hard truth.