You are right Joe! When I fired up the s/w to look at the dialog, the option is "3D circular interpol". But there are two other things you might check:Check the "Options" tab of the "Generate NC Output in Batch Mode" function. The "Circular interpolation"...
Select the "Machine editor" from the "Part Operation" dialog, and then make sure that the "use 3D circles" check-box is selected.
This selection ensures that CATIA outputs standard APT conforming CYLNDR (cylinder) definitions of canted circles, and is...
If you are using Pro/NCPOST, you can the tool change format as a "pocket" type in the post processor, with a maximum of 16 pockets. Change the LOADTL commands generated by Pro/NC to follow this format:
The IN,AUTO tells Pro/NCPOST to choose the pocket...