We currently have a folder stored with all the old V4 2d data.
I have attached a sample v4 file.http://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=71ed30f1-3fc8-4289-aad2-fe701e66b67b&file=V4EXAMPLE.model
Hi, Thank you very much for your reply.
Im trying not to use the migration tool, As the program I am designing should do the following operations.
1. Open up folder where V4 data is
2. Open blank V5 drawing sheet
3. Copy Over v4 data to v5 sheet
4. Change Text, Dimensions, Levels, Colour all to...
Looking over the forum has helped me a lot, but now I am looking for a bit of help. I am very much a begineer in the cat script side of things and currently use the record macro function.
Im currently trying to create some script that will do the following:
- Copy v4 2D Drawing data
- Paste...