I work in a part
I did that, but it is the code in brackets in the formula that I do not find.
I find this example for line (point,direction)on net:
Set Parm = parameters.CreateDimension("HelixHeight", "LENGTH", Height)
Set Point1 = PartDoc.part.HybridShapeFactory.AddNewPointCoord(X0, Y0, Z0)...
yes exactly, I managed to apply the length parameter at my point but there is no link.
I would like to create a relation (formula) between the parameter and the point.
Hi all,
I'm working on vba CatiaV5 and I have a problem,
I work in a part and I manage not to apply a formula for a "point on curve" created by automation.
The information to put in the formula is the length of a parameter previously created.
If anyone has an idea to help me.
thank you in...