We have a FORD catia and a CHRYSLER catia, they are both at the same levels but if we are going to work on a FORD job we start up the FORD catia. I am just wondering if we need to do that any more or if we could just have one catia to open up. We had an IT guy here that took care of all...
Question for "TheTodd,
I remember in V4 we had to have seperate standard files for FORD and CHRYSLER etc. Is that still the case with V5, since they carry the standards they were created with?
We are running SDRC-Ideas on a SUN station. I was told I need to add a user into the TDM before they can get access to it. Can any one tell me how to do that? I am not experienced in SDRC at all and the one who would normally do this was layed off two years ago.