I need to hydrotest a new pipeline
the design pressure (DP) of this pipeline is 1200 psi
the Maximum Operating pressure (MOP) is 900 psi
shall I hydrotest the pipeline to 1.25 X DP (1200 X 1.25 = 1500 psi)
1.25 X MOP (1.25 X 900 = 1125 psi)
Good evening
Table 434.6-1 of ASME31.4 (2022) shows the Minimum Cover for Buried Pipelines in different locations. But what is the minimum depth of cover for a pipeline constructed in the Sahara (sand dunes) with frequent sand storm?
Under fault conditions on the powerline, the pipeline potential can reach thousands of volts. which is considered as a safety issue. In addition to the risk of AC corrosion in case of small coating damage.
My questions are
1- is this minimum distance depends on the liquid service (Oil, Gas or...
pipe fittings and valves are ANSI 600
MOP of 1440 psig for this pipeline
Therefore, the hydrostatic pressure test shall be 1.25 X 1440 psi = 1800 psi
pipeline design pressure is 1200 psi
Therefore, (hydrostatic pressure test shall be 1.25 X 1200 psi = 1500 psi)
I have a pipeline with a design pressure of 1200 psi, and a pressure rating of #600
According to ASME B 31.4, the hydrostatic test pressure for a pipeline is 1.25 times the internal design pressure at that point. Could anyone advise which case of the following is correct for the hydrostatic test...
The test pressure at the highest point is equivalent to 90% of SMYS
The test pressure at the lowest point is equivalent to 96% of SMYS
The hydrotest envelope of 90–96% of SMYS, so I assume it is acceptable.
The pipeline is constructed near the coast flat area, almost flat.
Do we need to...
the total length of the pipeline is 55 Km
the ground profile is almost flat
can we make the hydrostatic test without segmentation, or we need to divide the pipeline into smaller segments and conduct the hydrotest for each segment separately?
and in such case, how many segments we need ?
The inside diameter of the pipeline is 584.2
The inside diameter of the insert sleeve is 556.2 (95.2% of the pipeline inside diameter)
Is the pipeline pigable?
How to remove debris from internally coated pipeline with (TK 236) prior to commissioning (pigging or flushing)?
the pipes is 24in and the length is 55 KM.
the line pipe joints welded together using insert sleeve
Thank you LITTLEINCH for your quick response
Do you agree with the opinion that the FBE coating process requires heating the line pipe to about 250°C, and this can cause ‘strain ageing’, which can increase strength and decrease yield strength to ultimate tensile strength ratio (‘Y/T’.
I have 24 in pipeline, Thickness is 0.5 in, service is water
the design pressure for this pipeline is 1800 psi
the hydrostatic pressure is 2250 psi (90% of SMYS)
if this pipe is internally coated with Fusion bonded Epoxy (FBE), can i hydro-test the pressure to 2250 ?
or i need to consider the...