I everyone.
I'm trying to create a macro to constrain components to axis system. And for create constraints I need the full path of axis system location. Ex:
To start thinking the structure of macro, I've made a small piece of code. where I select the axis system and returns it's name. Until...
Hi Ferdo,
I've searched CATIA POrtable Script center, and download it from your google drive. The *.chm file only appears the tree on the left, but there is nothing inside.
How do you mean with annotations? I want something that highlights in the model all the issues (clashes) that I have.
Can you show what you are saying?
We have the possibility to export the calculated clashes as CGR. Very usufull to compare it with our assembly, and easy to locate the clashes and dimensions.
But, we are only able to export one by one clash, instead of all clashes as .CGR. Is there any way to export the complete clashes as .CGR...
I Everyone.
First time that I'm using mold tooling workbench in V5.
I'm trying to insert a component using the add user component. Is it possible to add a component, by just select an axis system, instead of selet, point and 2 axis?
If yes, how to do it?
There isn't a command finder. All you can do to see all the commands available, is by right clicking in a toolbar, then press costumize, In commands tab at the left there is an option to all commands. At right there is all commands available in CATIA.
Yes, it's anoying!!! but it's what we...
You are right! If i know the ends!
But for make a draft, I only know one section! That's the point! Sweep with draft should be available in "basic" license (MCE)
Tiago Figueiredo
Tooling Engineer
Youtube channel:
I have an extrude made in GSD and I want to draft it.
The example is by far more simple than the part I'm working (but I can't post any image of it). I've tried the sweep with draft angle, and it returns an error
For doing the needed draft, I splited the profile on several...
Hello. I have a CAT+MCE license. I want to make some surfacing analysis. I've looked for The isophetes commands, and I haven't found ir. Is there any workaround?
Tiago Figueiredo
Tooling Engineer
Youtube channel:
I have made some digging around This. It's Silly... The same file that collects The cattalog commands also have The toolbars. Só if se make a mistake we need to rebuild everything again.
Tiago Figueiredo
Tooling Engineer
Youtube channel:
Any specific that I should remove? I don't want to loose other configs.
Tiago Figueiredo
Tooling Engineer
Youtube channel:
Hello. I've started working in a new Catia license CAT+MCE before i was working in CAT+MCE+HCX License.
While working in gsd The quick select Button os a must! But in CAT+MCE I can't find The Button.
Is it available in CAT+MCE? If not, any good tip to replace The quick select Button?
I everyone,
I wanto to know wich type of objects can I select within selectElement2.
Status = selection1.SelectElement2(InputObjectType1
Tiago Figueiredo
Tooling Engineer
Youtube channel: