Hi All,
I'm having a problem with exporting flat pattern (Composites Design) in DXF format. Thing is that everything worked fine but from some point it started exporting "empty" DXF file with no contour (annotations are still there). When I tried checking older parts/files where export was...
...0.23 ]
for n=1: 5
[FM,error] = lsqcurvefit('splane2_fit',FM0 ,freq ,heave_gain,[],[],options);
heavesys =tf([FM(1:2 )],[FM(3:4) 1 ])
FM0=FM+ .001*rand(1);
I added above code to this live script:
Thanks Cibachrome,
Thing is that requests in A/Car are predefined and it is a bit too complicated to redefine them atm. So I set the units/scaling manually as can be seen in DataImport.mlx that I uploaded.
Thank you,
Here's processing live script. There are also similar live scripts for Pitch, CPLV and tire deflection.
Thank you,
In fact I was doing it differently:
tfout=tfestimate(usual stiff in here)
tfPhase=angle(tfout)*57.3 to approximate phase in deg.
Then plot the above as two separate plots.
After rescaling Adams signals this gives me reasonable results with heave.
Doing it the way you...
Thank you Greg,
That's what I'm doing now and with some fiddling with signal(exported from Adams) scaling things are starting to make sense.
Thank you,
Thank you Greg,
There's definately a scaling mess which I have to fix first.
Regarding your 2nd reply - do you mean plotting abs of tfestimate? I didn't find any other way. May be it's my English playing tricks with me but I couldn't find any other way of plotting other than Db on y axis...
Thank you, IRstuff,
Problem is that this is my 7th day with MatLab and I know very little at this point. It seems to me that conversion to Db is sort of imbedded in tfestimate MatLab function and I can't figure out how to undo the logarithm in the result plot of this function. When I write the...
...didn't allow me to express my question properly.
As far as I understand (please correct me if I'm wrong). Db is a ratio of magnitude of two signals expressed as 20*Log(A2/A1). Is there a way that I can get the results of tfestimate function to be expressed on linear scale?
Thank you,
I’m doing my very first steps in MatLab (5 days since I had a first look at it).
I’d like to ask for a bit of help:
A bit of pretext: I’m trying to learn about vehicle ride dynamics using Adams car/ride 4 post shaker rig. I created a model representing amg gt4 car and excite the car with chirp...
Doing my first baby steps analysing acar 4post data in Matlab. May I ask you a couple of questions in this regard?
I think that best I post it in specific here https://www.eng-tips.com/threadminder.cfm?pid=575
Thank you,
Thanks Greg,
I will have to get a little more experienced with Matlab in order to do it (automate import and processing) but hopefully I will get there some day :)
"So far as the 4poster goes, no. But you could alter the acf to stop the sim after it has settled and then restart it. I don't...
Thanks Greg, I will surely do my best to learn Simulink as well as Simscape.
One random question - in Adams, at the start of simulation, is it possible to have the vehicle model seat on the rig pads in the state of equilibrium rather than having it drop on the pads from the sky as it does...