Right i think I get it now, the fog has cleared. I put a 25kg weight on top of a damper which was equal to approximately the mid-stroke rod force and it all became clear. When everything is in equilibrium, you still need to exert a force in the rebound direction to get it to move...it behaves...
Cheers guys for your replies and the great link, and apologies for the delay in responding.
I feel I may have been a bit long winded in my initial post but I like to fully explain myself…I will try to be more concise so that my overall argument is not lost.
As far as I can see, the link from...
In reference to the above thread: I appreciate that this thread is years old but I stumbled on it a while back while trying to find answers on this subject, and having pondered it and many other sources at length with the ‘what’s happening, when and why’ method, I’m...