Our client is concerned about a structural report we did and would like our in-house information such as our checklist and photos. The client feels our report should look like a house-inspection report, but it does not. It looks like an engineering report. They think it therefore isn't a...
HI All,
I'm looking to hire an independent contractor in California. Now i understand Cali has all sorts of limitations, and there are lots of questions about what constitutes an IC, but let's put that aside for now. What i really am hoping for some help with is a general outline of what i...
What positions are you looking for? Is it possible to reorganize the firm so engineers are doing more engineering work and less drafting or inspection-level work? (Not knowing your business it may be that you're already doing this). This may allow you to focus your hiring on non-engineers...
It has been a while since i last designed one. But, yes, i have inspected several and designed severl, though to be honest more than a decade ago.
I am definitely open to any current references you are aware of that may help me get up to speed on current design methods, however! Always...
Hi all,
I received a call for a steel building foundation. Approximate 3000 SQFT. I am in California. Not sure what the going rate is for these. My guesstimate is about 1500. I don’t see the job as being lucrative if i bid much less.
Any idea the going rate for these?
Or, any suggestions as to...
I am curious at your hard-line take on "no relationship between fees and liability". Care to expand on the thought? I have always considered professional liability/risk when providing a cost or estimate to a client.
I may be programmed to see things this way as i was initially trained in...
Thank you all! Great responses and gave me a lot to chew on. I never considered the ethics of it. I will call the engineer. I may be a bit late, but better late than never.
I have a client who wants a second opinion on an engineer report about some structural improvements they (the engineer) are requiring. I have read the report and disagree with much of what the engineer says. Now the client wants me to take over the job. No big surprise here, but with the...
Hi all,
New to this forum. I have a business and ethics question for you all. I recently performed a home inspection for a guy trying to sell his home. Turns out there were a bunch of mods made, including the significant removal of primary shear walls - done without a permit. Well, i wrote a...