Have you conducted a Level 1 assessment with the pitting charts? That methodology is more amenable to this kind of widespread and interacting pitting.
Looking at your data for the pit pairs, some of it doesn't really make sense though. For instance in pit pair 3, the larger pit is 3.7 inch in...
FEA way,
Sorry I should've been more specific, this is for solid elements. The Surface(...) method asks for the 6 different element faces (face1Elements, face2Elements etc...), the problem is that this is not what getElemFacesByFaceAngle(...) returns. So I am after an easy way to use the output...
Hi FEA way,
Thanks for your response. I don't need to create any geometry from the mesh, I just want a surface defined that I can then apply loads to. Is there an easy way to use the element face objects returned by getElemFacesByFaceAngle to create a surface?
Hi all,
I have a part that is an Orphan Mesh, and I am writing a python script that creates a Surface on the part. In CAE this is very easy, I can just select the regions for the surface by angle, which selects all of the element faces for me and creates a Surface.
I am trying to replicate...
The main question here is what is your crack growth mechanism? Then you need to establish a crack growth model, which you can then determine crack growth rates in terms of time (or cycles).
Hi jkampman,
The lower and upper stage crack growth curves for a bilinear fatigue crack growth model both still relate to the 'Regime B' striation growth behavior. In that Figure it shows a linear growth for simplicity.
P.S, it seems that you are using an older version of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1...
Hi all,
With the new edition of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 (2021 edition) that has just been published, there are some changes to the load multiplier (beta factor, β) for the ASME B31.4, B31.8 and B31.12 piping codes, for when considering elastic-plastic analysis for a protection against plastic...
Hi all,
With the new edition of API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 (2021 edition) that has just been published, there are some changes to the load multiplier (beta factor, β) for the ASME B31.4, B31.8 and B31.12 piping codes, for when considering elastic-plastic analysis for a protection against plastic...