Thank you for your reply. Is there a way to get the combined pump curve plotted in Excel without things getting too complicated?
Attached dummy values as an example.
Hello all,
I have two dissimilar pumps in series.
To plot the composite pump curve, is it okay to assume that Flow_both = (Flow1 + Flow2)/2 and Head = Head1 + Head2?
First pump is fixed speed and the second is variable speed.
Just trying to find the approx. intersection with the system curve...
Thank you for your reply [smile] Sorry about the purple text, trying the forum's features.
So is there a relationship between the %BEP flow and the efficiency?
So if BEP is 2000 m3/h and BEP efficiency = 80%. Is there a formula to approximate the efficiency for running the pump at 2400 m3/h...
Hi all,
If one pump has a hydraulic efficiency of 85% at BEP, do two of the same pumps running in parallel also have an 85% efficiency?
Now say the two pumps are each running at 120% of the BEP flow, how do I find the resulting efficiency?
Any help is appreciated. [auto]