Hello everyone,
reply to Cibachrome: for this thread and the otherone too: first of all thanks a lot. I deal with racecar since a lot of time but when I was a student I did aerodynamics so, even if I studied by myself, several subjects remained a bit "foggy". In fact, I thought that, as you say...
Ciao Bluefoxy,
then we were almost competitors.....
Your notations about efforts are well clear.
The doubt I have is due to the fact that the rear susp (it is the usual double whishbone with pushrod) has the toe link welded on the top whishbone.
Assumed what we already said about bumpsteer, car...
Hello Bluefoxy,
cars I designed were F Ford, F Renault 2.0 and F Renault V6.
At that stage our capability was purely cinematic so no frequency was analyzed but what I stated remains valid.
I can confirm it since later I have been working and still I work with F Renault 3.5 and various F3 cars...
I have been designing quite a few single seater suspensions; It is difficult to reduce the vertical migration with ride height movements and in any case I never saw this bringing or take big advantages.
Instead it is crucial to have a laterally stable RC: drivers will report an unpredicatble car...
I read that rear caster would affect car balance, maybe even in case racing one, as I understood by a very clear post, more caster with the same convention as for front, adds more oversteer and vice versa. Can someone explain me the mechanism?
Thanx a lot