I would like to perform an analysis of a power trasmission where are used oblique bearing. So, I'm asking myself if there is a way to model the oblique bearing with a joint or remote poin in order to have the correct direction of the force.
I would like to create a custom shortcut like suppress a body base on a selection. I am trying to perform this operation with the script editor using the record command. After recorded, the command execute the suppress operation always on the same and ecorded face. How can I indicate the...
I would like to automatically transfer the force obtained from a joint force probe in a simulation block to another block model as force input. I can't perform a submodel because I have something like a pinned connection so in the first model i have a male component connected to grond...
Good afternoon,
I'm trying to produce a sliding contact between two surfaces but in the contact initial information i have a closed contact with a very low number of number contacting. So it results in a near contact instead of a sliding contact that cannot maintain the contact during the...
I'm trying to automate the process of exporting results produced from different block analysis to excel. For example, is it possible to export from workbench to excel the deformation at all time step in an associative way (up-to-date every time a solve run)?