I am studying contact between two solids in a plane stress formulation.
When I want to output the contact information at one of the contact surfaces (lines in 2D), i first defined a Path that is one of the contact surfaces, than made XY report. I got duplicated nodes like :"
Hi ll,
I wanted to get the stresses at an ELSET and wrote:
*EL print ,elset=ELsetFront_HB,POSITION=AVERAGED AT NODES,frequency=100000
S11, S22, S12
I got a table like :
NODE FOOT- S11 S22 S12
1 -4614. 1.2010E+06 5178.
5 -5.7100E+04 1.6403E+06...
Dear all,
The structure I would like to model is made of PMMA: E = 3.2 GPa, nu = 0.4. More parameters are in the uploaded image:
When modelled as linear elastic, the obtained results are...
Of course the pressure and gravity are both propagated until the end of the analysis.
For the application I have used all of the available possibilities: Quasi-static, moderate dissipation, transient fidelity. I have even tried
with entering alpha, beta and gamma myself to have different...
Hi Everyone,
I am trying to reproduce the experimental results of a friction rig.
I have two plates (modelled here as 3d solids) one above the other.
After applying a normal (vertical) pressure (step 1) I start pushing the plate one at the top until the first sliding occurs (step2).
Then in...
with mesh figure.
Hi all,
I have built a model using cae and put the frame origin at a corner for parts and mesh like in the attached mesh figure.
When I generate an inp file, I saw nodes with coordinates that does not correspond to what I expect:
I have negative Y coordinates while all the mesh should be above...
Thank you for your reply, but before asking I have checked all the documentation and could not find the answer.
I have read section 37.1.5 of the user analysis guide.
Heloo again,
I would like to know the formula relating the friction coef to slip rate when
considering Exponential decay friction model with test data points.
Any answer because I am stuck.
I would like to add the steps:
***Step, name=Step-2, nlgeom=yes, inc=100000,UNSYMM=YES
****************Controls, ANALYSIS=DISCONTINUOUS
The BC are as I wrote in my first message.
I apply a displacement on a face during Step-2 until some value : -0.6544812e-3
in Step-3 I stop pushing and hold the face at the last displacement : -0.6544812e-3
the problem is not the intermittence of the CSLIP1 variable, but in the fact that it is...
the attached plot shows the CSLIP1 at 2 points of the contact surface.
We can easily see that this variable is put to zero at the beginning of each step.
How can I turn it off to have a continuous slipping as if it was computed in one single step ...
I want to see how fracture propagates like in earthquakes. When the first sign of slipping appears (end of step-2) i stop pushing and wait to ses how slipping propagates.