Hello, me again
If you wanted to put Probe in a tank to read Fluoride Ion in a continuous circulation which kind of choices you would go for??
1 - ISE electrodes are not an option as I've been told they are more like analytical solutions and they work well in static baths, we have a changing...
IRstuff (Aerospace)
It is a tricky one. the recirculation system is the only way we have of agitating the tank due to space issues. The etching baskets are pretty much the size of the inner tank so a lot of heat generation, we cannot agitate the tank during etching, one because of space...
jari001 (Chemical
Thank you...I have reported it as I cant delete it
hope this time the link is correct.... it keeps happening https://files.engineering.com/getfile.aspx?folder=3262c76f-0fba-472a-a4a9-4cf94e4a0103&file=cooling_system.pdf
1 - So how thick is the water layer between inside and outer tank –
About 0.5 m
Inner tank dimensions: l=1.9m, w-0.862m, h-1.903m
2 - Is the outer tank insulated over all six sides?
it has 5 sides, the tank is open, it is stainless still 362L 4mm and is not insulated. Neither...
georgeverghese / pierreick
I partially agree with you, and yet is not that simple due to the etching rates and specs. The operational temperature in the inner tank has to be between 41C and 44C and the etching times need to be controlled. if we go above this temperature to increase solubility...
post 1
Sorry for using bold, it might have just passed, it was nonintentional. Thank you for your interesting answer. Ideally reducing the cycle time would be a good idea, but this is a quite unique process and the aluminum in solution actually helps to stabilize the process we need a minimum...
Hello and thank you for having me in this forum.
I am trying to calculate the heat transfer coefficient of an open square etching tank containing 5000 L diluted 1% HF and 4% H3PO4 water solution. This tank has been immersed in a outer tank covered with tap water. The outer tank contains...